AMERICANLIVES | Saturday, November 18, 2023

11:26 PM

#AMERICANLIVES: I spent the best part of a week hanging out at a home for those who needed one, out in Nashville, having introduced myself to the local Catholic Workers group there via email due to our shared interest in alleviating homelessness. They were happy to meet me one evening in a local cafe, and within a short time it became clear that really, they needed to catch up with each other as they were all so busy, and I just happened to be a waypoint! I met @lindseykrinks, @iam4peace and several others, immediately thought they were all awesome, and was wheeled straight into their whirlwind lives and works. Fast forward to today, their work through @opentablenashville and beyond has taken them all the way to the frontline of local politics - this makes more difference to the everyday lives of Americans than a presidential election ever will - and the drama around two out of three Democrat lawmakers being expelled for protests on gun control. Or the lack of it, rather, in wake of a school shooting in Nashville. Back in 2010, however, this bunch were still helping anyone who needed it, including this couple in the photo that I met in the Hobson House Community. #nashville #tennessee #homelessness #opentablenashville


Vish Vishvanath

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