janeeyre | Tuesday, January 5, 2016

11:12 PM

2016 off to a running start with #janeeyre at #nationaltheatre for #tuesdaynighttheatreclub. Somewhat ponderous first half (100 bloody minutes) but magnificent, redeeming second half. I think I have something in my eye. #theatre #London #londontheatreclub #charlottebronte

messograf | Tuesday, January 5, 2016

12:09 AM

I thought I had lost it, but after many months, it has reappeared! This is a #messograf pen, from #germany, but it is really a pocket #vernier calliper, which allows for very accurate measurements. This is how it works - measuring the width of an iPhone cable. The first notch gives you the rough measure. It’s 3mm plus. Then, you look to see which of the other notches is mostly closely in perfect line with the measuring scale. It looks like the 8th one. The cable is 3.8mm in diameter. #stationery

billcosby | Monday, January 4, 2016

10:24 PM

The admissions of #billcosby are a great disappointment, and I hope justice is served, but I remain a fan of his work. When I was younger, I bought a lot of his albums from #hmv on Oxford Street, and they’re popping up here and there as I rummage. This is #200mph, one entire side of a cracking skit about him buying an #accobra from #carrollshelby. #Cosby was so scared of the car it went straight back to #acmotors. Epilogue: the man who bought the car crashed it over the side of a cliff and perished along with the car.