guitarpractice2018 | Sunday, March 25, 2018

10:46 PM

#guitarpractice2018 week no idea, dealing with #AmyWinehouse and #NeilYoung tonight, #YouKnowImNoGood and #HeartOfGold with an overly-complicated tab. #guitar

guitarpractice2018 | Tuesday, January 30, 2018

10:18 PM

#guitarpractice2018 weeks 3 and 4, mostly trying to practice staying awake through boring drills and fixing an endless number of problems with my technique. #landslide #fleetwoodmac #guitar #theguitaristsway

GuitarPractice2018 | Tuesday, January 9, 2018

11:37 PM

#GuitarPractice2018 week 2, “Rest Strokes and playing songs you know using triads and staying in one position.” #guitar #theguitaristsway #backtobasics

GuitarPractice2018 | Thursday, January 4, 2018

11:57 PM

#GuitarPractice2018 week 1, “Relationship of key, chord & pentatonic scale”. Major and minor triad inversions are brilliant. Fingerpicking exercises are hard. #guitar #fingerpicking #triads #inversions #pentatonic #resolutions2018