UNRIGHT | Monday, June 10, 2024

#11:34 PM

#UNRIGHT: I walked smack into career criminal Stephen Christopher Yaxley-Lennon‘s latest grift to part people from their money, a protest march to #Whitehall. A mess of incoherent ideas and confused messages, there were a LOT more marchers than I was expecting, and surprisingly little hostility from the crowd. I was standing there in full gig regalia as well, leather jacket and rock star trousers and hair everywhere, but the crowd were fairly amiable. I can understand and appreciate why vast swathes of the country are pissed off right now, even while they’re unable to clearly articulate why, and ripe for another grifter like Yaxley-Lennon or Farage to rally them. The police officer nearby who filled me in on what was going on, and we had a brief chat about the difficulty of reasoning with such a jumble of unclear and contradictory ideas. Charles Babbage’s remark seems fitting, “I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.”
#farright #streetphotography #protest #london #millbank #engerland

KENNY | Monday, June 10, 2024

#11:19 PM

#KENNY: after accidentally walking headlong into Tommy Robinson’s protest march staggering down Millbank - and staggering they were due to the endless cans of cider and lager that were being consumed - I stopped off at the Tate in my old neighbourhood and walked back up towards Strutton Ground, and bumped into Kenny here. I said hello and stopped to chat, very nice fella, he was heading home after a long day doing his thing. Gave me some leaflets. #london #millbank #portrait #christian

TATE | Sunday, June 13, 2021

10:38 AM

#TATE: the star of the show at this time of year is, for me, the #rose garden on #Millbank (they look just like #peonies but I’m pretty sure that the leaves give it away) and they emit a marvellous aroma, as great roses should. Lovely to be - safely - out and about after so long. #london #garden #tatebritain #alliums

byebyelondon | Friday, August 5, 2016

9:43 AM

The beautifully-tended trees on my street. It’s the most tree-lined part of Central London outside of a park. Sad to leave. #byebyelondon #millbank

byebyelondon | Friday, August 5, 2016

9:41 AM

The delightful space that greets me whenever I leave the flat. Who says Central London is cramped? Sad to leave. #byebyelondon #millbank

London | Sunday, August 16, 2015

4:44 PM

Navigating through #London and assuming The #Thames goes from West to East will land you in trouble. It veers from one direction to the other dramatically. QED: Standing at the South End of Lambeth Bridge looking over at #Vauxhall Bridge and #Millbank Tower - you can just see the three chimney stacks of #Battersea Power Station behind the tower. That’s how much the river bends over here.