#SUNNY: taken after class. Sunny is a sweet guy from West Africa and had help from some kind people who brought him to Europe - but he is not entirely happy in Germany, for he is an ex-football player and wants to be a trainer - and LOVES the Premier League. A massive Chelsea fan, he talks about the EPL and being back in England all the time so he can be with his fellow supporters. His German language skills are also holding him back in becoming a trainer here. #classmates #hamburg #fußball #football #portrait
#CYCLOPATHS: I love being on my bicycle every day and adore the cycling infrastructure in Germany and Netherlands but pedestrians definitely take second place. #leicaq2
#WALKIES: Throwback to 2020, a new pic. Met some neighbours down by Twickenham Riverside - they’ve been together for fifteen years, and the long story is that she came back to him as part of a debt repayment. She prefers buses to trains. #bluegoldmacaw #macaw #neighbours #twickenham #pets #leicaq2
#THEHUSTLE: I remember hanging with the sellers for some time and hopefully sales would cover the beers-per-hour required to stand in the wet and do this on a Sunday. #bricklane #london