Savages | Wednesday, April 10, 2019
6:03 PM
#Savages became #mynewfavouriteband 30 seconds into seeing them live back at #meltdownfestival so good to pick up the second album finally… #vinylcollection #vinyl @sleeve_notes_records
Savages | Wednesday, April 10, 2019
#Savages became #mynewfavouriteband 30 seconds into seeing them live back at #meltdownfestival so good to pick up the second album finally… #vinylcollection #vinyl @sleeve_notes_records
vinylcollection | Sunday, April 7, 2019
Buggeration. New record shop open in Richmond. First time in 30+ years I’ve been able to buy a record in this town. Oh. Dear. #vinylcollection #vinyl #recordshop @sleeve_notes_records and thanks for the tip @raygun_comics, I think…
billcosby | Sunday, April 29, 2018
Oh dear, oh dear, time to take these off the shelves and hide them somewhere. I have a LOT of Bill Cosby albums that I bought, mostly between 1988 and the early 1990s. What a let-down. We have to find a way of separating these terrible people from their great work, but until then, away with you. #billcosby #vinyl #cosby