Rosencranz And Guildenstern Are Dead and over-rehearsed at Old Vic Theatre | Sunday, May 7, 2017

11:38 PM

Show #22 of #2017 was a hyped-up #RosencranzAndGuildensternAreDead by the marvellous #TomStoppard. A decent @oldvictheatre production let-down by the two leads barking their well-rehearsed lines far too quickly at each other to give any resemblance of actual witty repartee. Totally overcooked. #DavidHaig was excellent, however. #theatre #london #londontheatre

Rosencranz And Guildenstern Are Dead and over-rehearsed at Old Vic Theatre | Sunday, May 7, 2017


Vish Vishvanath

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