IANBOWDEN | Thursday, August 3, 2023

9:29 PM

#IANBOWDEN: Ian Bowden passed away on Tuesday 1 August 2023, and I’m shocked and devastated that he’s gone. Richmond MakerLab and the wider community will miss this modest, kindly, infinitely helpful man who connected people and improved everything he could. I have great memories of chats with him, seeing the inventions he came up with to entertain people, him coming to help me repair a lady’s curtain rail, asking and trusting me to remove and refit a door and its frame despite never having done any such thing in my life, and I’m sure everyone down Richmond way will have hundreds of similar memories. A huge loss, but I’m glad to have known him for the few years I did. Rest In Peace, Ian, I’m sorry you won’t get to see the redevelopment of Ham Close and the brand-new MakerLab space that you did so much to champion and marshal. #richmond #legend #makerlab #inventor


Vish Vishvanath

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