FCSTPAULI | Monday, May 20, 2024

7:08 PM

#FCSTPAULI: selectively left-wing local football club have won #Bundesliga2 and brought the trophy over to #Reeperbahn to show off #stpauli #hamburg #football #fußball

SUNNY | Wednesday, February 7, 2024

8:42 PM

#SUNNY: taken after class. Sunny is a sweet guy from West Africa and had help from some kind people who brought him to Europe - but he is not entirely happy in Germany, for he is an ex-football player and wants to be a trainer - and LOVES the Premier League. A massive Chelsea fan, he talks about the EPL and being back in England all the time so he can be with his fellow supporters. His German language skills are also holding him back in becoming a trainer here. #classmates #hamburg #fußball #football #portrait

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Zeiss | Thursday, January 18, 2024

6:08 PM

Lovely shots received from our client and super talented photographer @koothooloo. Beautiful handwriting on the background by the same author. #Zeiss mineral lenses for enhanced clarity with beautiful #wolfeyewear

SAMPHA | Tuesday, December 5, 2023

8:55 PM

#SAMPHA: a sterling, A-grade gig from him and his magnificent band, plus a few solo bits. Breathtaking, really, and uncopyable. Caught him afterwards, as Jasemin is his older brother’s bestie, so got to personally thank him and have a brief chat while the crowd of groupies and autograph hunters hovered #berlin #southlondon #mordenboy #samphaberlin

REUVENMOSKOVITZ | Sunday, December 3, 2023

11:47 PM

#REUVENMOSKOVITZ, 1928-2017, the late Israeli peace activist. Born in Northern Romania, survived the Holocaust and helped other Jews fleeing from Romania to Palestine. Co-founded the Kibbutz Misgav Am on the Lebanese border in 1950. Also returned many times to Romania, taking young people from Germany to help rebuild the schools in Samtul Floresti. #JFJFP #Gaza #JewishBoatToGaza #HolocaustSurvivor

AMERICANLIVES | Saturday, November 18, 2023

11:26 PM

#AMERICANLIVES: I spent the best part of a week hanging out at a home for those who needed one, out in Nashville, having introduced myself to the local Catholic Workers group there via email due to our shared interest in alleviating homelessness. They were happy to meet me one evening in a local cafe, and within a short time it became clear that really, they needed to catch up with each other as they were all so busy, and I just happened to be a waypoint! I met @lindseykrinks, @iam4peace and several others, immediately thought they were all awesome, and was wheeled straight into their whirlwind lives and works. Fast forward to today, their work through @opentablenashville and beyond has taken them all the way to the frontline of local politics - this makes more difference to the everyday lives of Americans than a presidential election ever will - and the drama around two out of three Democrat lawmakers being expelled for protests on gun control. Or the lack of it, rather, in wake of a school shooting in Nashville. Back in 2010, however, this bunch were still helping anyone who needed it, including this couple in the photo that I met in the Hobson House Community. #nashville #tennessee #homelessness #opentablenashville

PREP | Saturday, November 18, 2023

10:52 PM

#PREP: getting ready for karaoke night, Hawaii, 2010. #hostellife #karaoke #party

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LEGENDS | Thursday, November 16, 2023

1:23 AM

#LEGENDS: how is there no place for #NaomiWimborneIdrissi and #JeremyCorbyn in a party that is supposed to represent the people, a party that Jeremy made the largest in Western Europe? #labourpartyisdead

LEGENDS | Thursday, November 16, 2023

1:09 AM

#LEGENDS: on Saturday night, I was at my friend Glyn Secker’s 80th Birthday Party, and pretty much everyone had come from the protest earlier in the day calling for a ceasefire. Glyn and Naomi also in the picture are two members of JVL - Jewish Voice for Labour - providing a place for Jewish members who didn’t feel comfortable in the sock puppet JML group, and have since both been kicked out of the Labour Party. In fact the whole committee of JVL was kicked out. Peace activists for longer than I’ve been alive, defenders of all people, facing a Labour Party who thinks they and all like them have no place there. Over 12,000 people dead in Gaza and Labour cannot bring themselves to support a ceasefire. An entirely useless, pathetic, rotten from the inside party. What did we ever do to get a cruel and incompetent government and an opposition that is just a reflection of the Tories. Happy Birthday Glyn, love ya mate, all of you are an inspiration. Sorry about the Labour Party.