London | Tuesday, January 26, 2016

1:58 PM

My route to work is exceedingly important in setting the tone for the day, and it’s great to take it a bit slower, stop and appreciate my surroundings. Especially if I’m a little early and the sun’s low in the sky. #London #temple #commute

London | Tuesday, January 26, 2016

1:57 PM

My route to work is exceedingly important in setting the tone for the day, and it’s great to take it a bit slower, stop and appreciate my surroundings. Especially if I’m a little early and the sun’s low in the sky. #London #temple #commute

London | Sunday, January 24, 2016

2:47 PM

I don’t know who comes up with this trite, banal nonsense, let alone who stumps up the cash to make it into neon lights, but it’s probably the same gang that write random Japanese sentences onto clothing. #London

lecorsaire | Tuesday, January 19, 2016

8:19 PM

#lecorsaire at #eno. ENO has a reputation for disastrous management and this show is enjoyable but fairly pedestrian. I like the costumes. #londontheatreclub #london #theatre #ballet #tuesdaynighttheatreclub

gmc | Wednesday, January 13, 2016

5:45 PM

Good on them for protesting, not exactly getting their message across blocking the road in rush hour but the cops have just arrived… #£10now #gmc #minimumwage #london #whitehall

janeeyre | Tuesday, January 5, 2016

11:12 PM

2016 off to a running start with #janeeyre at #nationaltheatre for #tuesdaynighttheatreclub. Somewhat ponderous first half (100 bloody minutes) but magnificent, redeeming second half. I think I have something in my eye. #theatre #London #londontheatreclub #charlottebronte