THEBLUELOTUS | Sunday, January 31, 2021

11:36 PM

#THEBLUELOTUS: does anyone else occasionally search the internet for things they used to have in their youth and were stolen/lost/broken? I bought my original key ring from the Tintin Shop on Floral Street in Covent Garden in the late 1980s, pretty sure with English titles but I could be wrong, and kept it with me all the time until it was tiefed many years later. Naturally they were never made again but I came across a seller on eBay with a load of them, hoping they had my favourite and we could be reunited. Lockdown has had me looking back a LOT. Little things make us happy, because little things often upset us. #tintin #lelotusbleu #retro #keyring #lombard #casterman


Vish Vishvanath

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