And it’s back! #Leica have replaced the faulty sensor for free, on a camera that’s from 2009. Not that this a great camera to begin with, but it’s nice to use. And they switched out the covering with a really lovely new leathery material. The upgrade to an #M240 was around £2200, but glad I picked up an #EOS1Dx instead for a lot less. #LeicaM9 #rangefinder
Posted instagrama few seconds read (About 35 words)
The reason it was so cheap is this. Around 122,000 shutter cycles. But this is a shutter rated at 400,000 cycles. It has to be at 14fps. #canon #eos1dx #dslr #photography
The gap between the 5D series and this camera is huge. It’s not measured on paper, but in places like this. Amazingly adjustable AF system for all manner of situations, and straight out of the box, will eat you alive. It took weeks to get anywhere near the results of my old 5D2, a camera that just works brilliantly straight away. The 1DX takes a lot of getting used to - it’s a big jump and anyone who thinks that the 5D III is anywhere near the performance of this camera based on specs is an idiot. Massive amounts of horsepower driving the lens AF system, vast processor power dedicated to image processing and the exposure gets a dedicated processor too. And this is all happening at 12-14 frames every second. This is the highest performing camera I’ve ever seen. God knows what the Mark II must be like. I nearly took the Leica upgrade offer from the M9 to the M, at around £2300, and the 1DX came in at about half that with the trade-in. And it’s a hundred times better than the Leicas. #canon #eos1dx #dslr #photography #
You have no idea how amazing it is to see this button. Canon have made it a custom button too, but it is a direct descendent of the spot metering button from the Canon T90 in the 80s. That camera remains a milestone, a landmark, an amazing waypoint in camera design and its multi-spot metering with shadow/highlight correction remains the finest in-camera metering system that has ever been. Until now. The 1DX offers the very same multi-spot metering. At its simplest, you would spot meter from the shadows and then the highlights, and immediately see in the viewfinder the dynamic range of your image, and then shift the whole range up or down to favour the shadows or highlights. Modern sensors have a huge range, of course, but understanding spot metering is a fundamental skill for any photographer seeking fine-grained control over every aspect of the picture-making process. #canon #eos1dx #dslr #photography #spotmetering
Posted instagrama few seconds read (About 57 words)
This is a peculiar set of controls: duplicate buttons which can be customized, but of course, these are really here to present an identical configuration when shooting in landscape or portrait. The back of the camera also has duplicate controls for everything. It’s very, very impressive. #canon #eos1dx #dslr #photography
Posted instagrama few seconds read (About 67 words)
Two Compact Flash bays are quite something. They have multiple configurations, such as RAW to one and JPEG to the other, which makes for an ultra-flexible workflow, not to mention unstoppable shooting given two massive cards and switching to JPEG all-round. At 14 frames a second, it’s easy to use vast amounts of storage. #canon #eos1dx #dslr #photography #compactflash
Posted instagrama few seconds read (About 80 words)
This is a series of posts on the Canon EOS-1DX. The EOS-1 has always been a highly impressive flagship, from back in the 1980s to the present day. The camera has become larger and incredibly sophisticated, diverging into full-frame and APS-sized before merging back with this camera. It’s packed with features above and beyond the rest of their lineup, starting with this, an Ethernet port. #canon #eos1dx #dslr #photography #ethernet