STPAULS | Wednesday, October 16, 2019

5:24 PM

#STPAULS: from being soaked to the bone in the morning to being blinded by the sun in the city at lunchtime. Weather: no shortage of it. #london #stpaulscathedral

LONDON | Tuesday, October 15, 2019

6:01 PM

#LONDON: last Wednesday, some people trying to stop our profligate overconsumption of the earth’s natural resources are protesting all over the world using the time-tested methods of #civildisobedience to make their point. #extinctionrebellion

LONDON | Tuesday, October 15, 2019

12:24 PM

#LONDON: the cops are constantly complaining about cuts in police numbers and the stress and overwork it causes. Today, not sympathetic after their behaviour in banning this protest from London. And how: Wrongful arrest, aggravated damages, all coming to a courtroom near you. Stand up for peaceful protest. #extinctionrebellion #protest #civilrights

BONUS | Wednesday, October 9, 2019

11:59 AM

#BONUS London pic from the archives: a friendly local has parked his #Ferrari outside Tony Blair’s house on Connaught Square. Number plate: IRAQ #london #urbanphotography

London | Monday, October 7, 2019

9:45 PM

#London: celebrating the 60th anniversary of the #undeclarationofhumanrights with #AmnestyInternational. A classic London view for #citylab and not quite #citylabontheground #towerbridge #urbanlandscape

Battersea | Monday, October 7, 2019

9:43 PM

#Battersea: a classic from my archive, long before the redevelopment changed the view. #citylab #citylabontheground #london #urbanphotography #urbanlandscape #batterseapowerstation

London | Monday, October 7, 2019

9:36 PM

#London: A brief look back at life in the city for #citylab and very much #citylabontheground #urbanphotography #urbancityscapes