PRIMAFACIE | Tuesday, May 31, 2022

9:51 PM

#PRIMAFACIE: thanks @williamcooper718 and @harryb_the_jug’s mama for treating me to a #JodieComer tour-de-force. Petered out by the end, could have cut the final ten minutes but splitting hairs here. Outstanding sound as always by Ben & Max Ringham - (@chk_chk remember that Wiretapper street gig?) #theatre #london

DADROCK | Friday, May 20, 2022

7:53 AM

#DADROCK: Average Night at #Pryzm watching #EverythingEverything on the eve of the new album launch, a band whose lovely compositions translate very badly live with too much information being blasted out. Also, drummer somehow is the least interesting member of the band to watch. Keyboard player was great though, more energy than the rest of the band put together. Plenty of good music married to hilariously cringeworthy lyrics, and great to catch up with @iancottingham even as things descended into modernity for the encore. Cheers @banquetrecords for helping to land these gigs. #gig #whitebread #london

SIGRID | Sunday, May 15, 2022

10:14 PM

#SIGRID: her #banter is great and so is she. You have to be optimistic to listen to pop music and this gig could not have been more perfect straight after #Eurovision - where the best possible result happened. Sigrid and her band are pop perfection, @banquetrecords are absolute legends for bringing us these gigs and the crowd were a lot shorter than usual, so arriving twenty minutes to stage time didn’t result in an impeded view. @wingsofaduff can’t believe you missed this one. #gig #london #poptastic

WISTERIAFFS | Monday, May 2, 2022

10:40 AM

#WISTERIAFFS: everyone else’s seems to going perfectly - it’s taken four years to get to this, and I’ve clearly made a hash of the pruning because THIS HAS HAPPENED. Two-faced #Wisteria. #london #questioninggardentime

HOLYFUCK | Tuesday, April 26, 2022

10:28 PM

#HOLYFUCK: so much live potential squandered in a mess of self-indulgence, a muddle of drops, beats and endings, leaving half the audience clueless and out of sync. Great start, like the rightful successors to Kraftwerk but constantly veering off into “modern jazz” - where the performers are having more fun than the audience. Buy the records instead. 5/10 #gig #london

FATHERJOHNMISTY | Friday, April 15, 2022

11:50 PM

#FATHERJOHNMISTY: another album release day gig, with apparently #WalterBecker on guitar, not sure how they managed to summon him from the grave, tight band, tight songs, well worth £15 for a ticket and album any day of the week. And the guy has quality banter and high-grade lyrics. Thanks @banquetrecords #gig #london @fatherjohnmisty

WETLEG | Friday, April 15, 2022

11:42 PM

#WETLEG: saw this up-and-coming little beat combo nine days ago, the night before their album came out, in the little club that is @pryzmkingston - and now said album is top of the pops and that will surely be an end to these little gigs. Congrats @wetlegband and @banquetrecords #gig #london

DORAJAR | Friday, March 18, 2022

3:40 AM

#DORAJAR: the totally brilliant and fully operational Dora Jar brings her outstanding songwriting and performance to Lafayette London, so glad I got myself out of the house, this has been an outstanding month of gigs so far… #pop #giglife #gigs #billieeilish #london

DEMENTORS | Sunday, October 3, 2021

9:06 AM

#DEMENTORS: there’s all kinds of funky weirdness snuck away around #London and this week’s entry backstage at @thecoronettheatre are some puppets - guess who they are - and the dress of their puppeteers… thanks @inikibikini for the excursion #puppet #puppeteers #theatre #nottinghill