MADNESS | Sunday, December 15, 2019

9:07 PM

#MADNESS: supporting themselves with some classics from the 1970s. Even better live than on record. They’ll be back for the main act! #pastpresentfuture #gig #camden #nuttyboys #onestepbeyond #london #nw5

HELLISROUNDTHECORNER | Saturday, December 14, 2019

6:36 PM

#HELLISROUNDTHECORNER: but I’m not sure #Tricky was referring to the junction of Charing Cross Road and Cranbourn Street. #london #leicestersquare #christmascrowds #westend #citylab

AVA | Tuesday, December 10, 2019

10:58 PM

#AVA: a fairly triumphant gig from @avawavesmusic proving that one of their biggest problems is conveying their energy in their imagery. Astonishing response from the crowd. Love the MOTH club, new favourite tiny venue, beautiful music and snagging a table too. #avamusic #gig #london #hackney

LEAKESTREET | Monday, December 9, 2019

2:44 AM

#LEAKESTREET: 1. the weekend it opened, the Leake Street Tunnel was a powerhouse of cultural critique and art. It has since become little more than an etch-a-sketch for graffiti, with each new piece covering the last, but let us look back at the weekend of May 3-5 2008. #maythefourthbewithyou #banksy #streetart #london #leakestreettunnel #citylab

ELECTRICSIX | Sunday, December 1, 2019

12:59 AM

#ELECTRICSIX: one of the few bands who you can see without knowing any of their songs and still have a good night, verified by @kailryu. Banging night, legs hurting from the mosh pit, crowd instructed to sit down before rising to go mental. Simply Outstanding support from @theloungekittens too. We must do more of this sort of thing. Only two more gigs left this year… #gig #london

MAYFAIR | Friday, November 29, 2019

9:43 PM

#MAYFAIR: is getting in on the act and #Christmas markets are popping up and where could be a more appropriate spot than outside a massive finance company? #london #xmas #streetfauxtography

TALKTALK | Tuesday, November 26, 2019

10:41 PM

#TALKTALK: a tribute to Talk Talk and #MarkHollis was, on the whole, magnificent. @mybrightestdiamond was staggeringly, monumentally good and, quite frankly, should have done way more of the songs. And David Rhodes, playing that riff from Life’s What You Make It. Holy cow. Good work from@all the bands - @turinbrakesofficial seen here along with the Spirit of Talk Talk band and also founder member #SimonBrenner. So many awesome new musicians to go explore. Orlando from @themaccabees was surprise awesome hit of the night, alongside @haydennthorpe who were cracking on vocals. Brilliant night. #gig #london

RIVERLANE | Wednesday, November 20, 2019

12:31 PM

#RIVERLANE: imagine, if you can, an Amphibious Bus (Amphibibus?) as public transport. Straight along River Lane from #Petersham Road, down the slipway and into the Thames. How marvellous would this be? Slow, yesh, but the best way to travel in London. Up and down the slipways. #publictransport #richmond #visitrichmond #thames #london