ONLYFOOLSANDHORSES | Wednesday, November 20, 2019

1:31 AM

#ONLYFOOLSANDHORSES: a must-see as it’s @pippaduffy making her unimpeachable West-End debut as #Cassandra and, well, the entire cast is on fire. From left to right, @imbobbond, the incoming Director of Drama at St Mary’s, Pippa and @oscar_c_m_ who has the best role(s) in the whole show. #theatre #london #delboy

CHRISTMASMARKET | Friday, November 15, 2019

12:44 AM

#CHRISTMASMARKET: there is a small one on the plaza outside the @nationalgallery and I note that a stall has #raclette. Hmm. There’s also a huge new market opening on Oxford St tomorrow in the former BHS store. Double hmm. Time for a lunch trip. #london #streetphotography

NEWMODELARMY | Friday, November 15, 2019

12:05 AM

#NEWMODELARMY: best gig for a while actually from @newmodelarmy, technically brilliant and the crowd was kicking for the first time in ages. I worry that the crowd are getting too old for pyramids… and then they’re off again… #camden #gignight #london

FOUNTAIN | Thursday, November 14, 2019

4:28 PM

#FOUNTAIN: #TrafalgarSquare is good for people watching and #birdspotting and the late autumn sun is always great in town. #london

Tag in Trafalgar Square

Or, more likely, one guy teasing his girlfriend. Either way:

1. Photos are seductive and we like to add our own explanations to them that are likely wrong.

2. Does it matter?

3. It’s good to just wait around and watch.

KRISHNACASTLE | Sunday, November 10, 2019

9:25 PM

#KRISHNACASTLE: Episode 5. Everyone needs downtime. They provided 15,000 meals a day during the rebellion. To find out more, head to - the biggest provider of hot meals in the country. Thanks #foodforall. Love ya. #london #harekrishna #extinctionrebellion #vegetarian

KRISHNACASTLE | Sunday, November 10, 2019

9:21 PM

#KRISHNACASTLE: Episode 4. There was no way of taking down the shrine so we worked around it. Krishna wouldn’t have minded, he was a flute-playing cowherd. The reason you see him depicted a blue colour is because his skin was very dark, like the common man. #harekrishna #extinctionrebellion #london

KRISHNACASTLE | Sunday, November 10, 2019

9:18 PM

#KRISHNACASTLE: Episode 3. The place is a fascinating combination of every #squat I’ve ever been in and every #CrisisAtChristmas kitchen I’ve ever cooked in. I’ve put my roller down for a sec to document the solid work being put in by today’s team in emptying this side of the kitchen, cleaning it and whitewashing it. Those are sacks of #couscous in the middle, and those are fairy lights coming down from the ceiling. #london #harekrishna #extinctionrebellion

KRISHNACASTLE | Sunday, November 10, 2019

9:13 PM

#KRISHNACASTLE: Episode 2. Cooking in bulk is exactly like cooking for one, just scaled up slightly. But for the disappointment when opening a massive can of olives only to discover that it’s actually a vat of ghee. Always give the can a little shake first. #harekrishna #london #extinctionrebellion