VANMOOF | Sunday, June 28, 2020

4:42 PM

#VANMOOF: @vanmoof #London are brilliant, excellent customer service. When the bike went pop they were able to get an Addison Lee van sent out to collect it during #COVID-19, and then rang some days later to simply say they would replace the bike instead of having to wait for a long while to obtain parts. Amazing. Spent my day getting over to the store and collecting the replacement, rode it back to the car in Pimlico, performed great. But arrive at home in Richmond, and the replacement is borked. “16 err” it blinks, even after two resets, and goes nowhere. Massively, massively deflated after everyone’s efforts in getting bike back to the store, swapping over all my accessories, etc. The customer service is great. But they can’t help the reliability. #sigh #ebike #vanmoofx2


Vish Vishvanath

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